We have fished 3 days so far with Hiroshi from Japan and have had some excellent action. First day out he caught two beauty’s, one 800 and a 900lb fish. Additional fish caught so far on his charter have been est 600, 500 and 100 lbs, so the quality is excellent at the moment up and down the reef.      I had a broken phone conversation with Hayden Bell and he has also been having some good fishing weighing a grander on the 2nd of November at 1027lbs.   On the last day of October Chris Miles weighed his first grander as a captain onboard my old boat Sea Baby IV at 1177lbs, a great fish and congrats to the angler and crew on a great effort.

The charter prior to this one was with regular anglers Larry, Webbo and Peds.    We had a great trip and caught 10 fish for the 7 days with a couple of nice size amongst them – one at est 900lbs, caught on the first day.
