
Overall, we’d consider 2010 as a solid average season. Big fish were around every month and the GBR once again proved to be the best Big Fish location in the world. The Top Shot crew caught 63 marlin for 60 days of heavy tackle fishing.

The 2009 marlin season produced good numbers again all round with Ross and the boys totaling 70 marlin for the season with several fish released around the 700-900lb mark and 1 beauty estimated around 1000lbs.

The season prior (2008) Ross and his team caught a total of 61 marlin for the 60 days of marlin fishing (+ 10 days fly fishing), with 2 fish estimated at 1000lbs +. Although a slower than usual season for all boats, each of Ross’s charters experienced highlighted fishing and again finished the season amongst the top few boats for numbers of fish caught.

They caught a total of 53 for 60 days of marlin fishing (plus 10 days fly fishing) in 2007 – weighing the first grander for the season on the 26th October at 1102lbs and caught 2 other fish estimated between 950-1050lbs (Nov) and 13 additional fish estimated between 700-900lbs, finishing the season amongst the top few boats for fish numbers caught.

2006 was another great marlin season for Ross and his crew, having caught
the most marlin within the Cairns Marlin Fishing Fleet (total 103) – 3 conservatively estimated over 1000lbs and 16 estimated 700-950lbs.

The 2005 season saw them catch a total of 98 marlin (2nd most in fleet) and 2004 again with most caught and a grand total of 105 blacks.

Career highlight of Largest Black Marlin in world caught on Lure in 2001 at
1257lbs for angler and friend Norm Ennis of USA, still stands.
